Samstag, 13. Februar 2010

Free Iran

picture taken by Raphael Katz

this week i was taking part in a "free iran" demonstration in munich with a couple of friends of mine. was good to see iranians who have a total different perception of the world than their regime at home has. i know that an attack on iran is their nightmare - and this might be the only dispute we would have. not that i am a fan of an attack, but i do argue in favor of attacking the sights where the regime is continuing to work an nuclear weapons when there is no alternative left.

Donnerstag, 30. April 2009

Funny Fruits

no, i cant read persian, but my friend just send me this link to BBC Persian with an explanation:

on friday april 24, oranges were sold in teheran like on any other friday. the oranges were packed in boxes saying "Place of Origin: Province of China". when people opened the oranges, they came across a sticker, they propably haven't seen for a long time: "Jaffa" - thats Israels biggest fruit exporter.

when authorities realized that, they tried to recollect all the oranges and even started an appeal on national TV.

shit happens!

but then again, these oranges are anything but shit. have a taste once you get across them. maybe on the next Israel Day which will be on may 7 - more info here soon with all 60 places in germany that will celebrate 100 years of Tel-Aviv and the 61st birthday of Israel.

Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009

So you want to boycott Israel?

That´s a strong one on the constant calls for boycotting Israel.

Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009

New heights of Arab aggression in Europe

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators reached new heights in regards to their aggression in Europe. This time, a pro-Israel rallye in Malmö, Sweden, was attacked with rockets and pipe bombs and glass bottles. It took two rockets, two pipe bombs and some bottles for the police to arrest the violent attacker, according to an eye witness. Funny though, they did not disperse the pro-Palestinian mob.

Here is the eye witness´ video:

Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009

UN - United Nothing

This cartoon was published in Zurich in 1956 and shows, how the UN has treated Arab aggressions and Israeli response. Watch the UN spectators in the background. It is a smart reflection on the Suez-Crisis in 1956. Sadly enough, the UN stills uses double standards in the region.

Samstag, 31. Januar 2009


Just read this one and had to share it:

When my father came to Israel in 1935, graffiti was all over the walls in Europe saying: "Jews, go to Palestine."

Today, when I travel through Europe I hear people say: "Jews, get out of Palestine".

What kind of short memory those Europeans have.

Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

Could be a solution

As you might know, viral marketing is all around the internet. Here are two rather funny commercials that inofficially were spread by the brands marketing departments - I suppose.